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Kinetochore capture of astral microtubules

MotifProteinStartEndSwitch TypeSwitch SubtypeSwitch descriptionInformationEvidence

Kinetochore capture of astral microtubules (Reactome - 375302)
LIG_SxIP_EBH_1 KIF2C_HUMAN93104BinaryPhysicochemical compatibilityPhosphorylation of S95 and S109 and S111 adjacent to the EB1-binding motif of Kinesin-like protein KIF2C (KIF2C) by Aurora kinase B (AURKB) and Aurora kinase B (AURKB) and Aurora kinase B (AURKB) inhibits its interaction with Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1 (MAPRE1), thereby inhibiting microtubule tip tracking.
LIG_SxIP_EBH_1 CLAP2_HUMAN515525BinaryPhysicochemical compatibilityPhosphorylation of several serine residues surrounding the EB1-binding motifs of CLIP-associating protein 2 (CLASP2) by Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) and Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) and Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) and Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) and Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3B) inhibits its interaction with Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1 (MAPRE1).
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