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Group by :Switch typeMotif classProteinEnzymePathway            Group Index    Colouring Info              Filtered: UNIPROT:P18887 (4 hits) x

x  Coloured by switch type.
  Domain hiding  Altered binding specificity  Motif hiding  Composite binding site formation
  Uncategorised  Rheostatic  Allostery  Avidity-sensing
  Physicochemical compatibility  Pre-translational  Competition

x  Index
Type: Avidity‑sensing Subtype: Type: Binary Subtype: Physicochemical compatibilityType: Cumulative Subtype: Rheostatic

ProteinMotifStartEndSwitch descriptionInformation

Type: Avidity‑sensing Subtype:
Multiple low-affinity interactions give rise to high-avidity interactions that have increased binding strength, with more than additive affinity.
XRCC1_HUMANLIG_FHA_2517523Hierarchical cooperative binding of two Bifunctional polynucleotide phosphatase/kinase (PNKP) molecules to one DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) molecule upon phosphorylation of a primary and secondary FHA-binding motif in DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) by Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1).
XRCC1_HUMANLIG_FHA_2521527Hierarchical cooperative binding of two Bifunctional polynucleotide phosphatase/kinase (PNKP) molecules to one DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) molecule upon phosphorylation of a primary and secondary FHA-binding motif in DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) by Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1).

Type: Binary Subtype: Physicochemical compatibility
PTM of a residue in a motif or in its flanking regions alters the physicochemical and/or structural compatibility of the motif with its binding partner. This can either induce or enhance an interaction, or result in inhibition or even abrogation of an interaction.
XRCC1_HUMANLIG_FHA_2521527Phosphorylation of T523 in the FHA-binding motif of DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) by Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) induces binding to the Aprataxin (APTX) protein.

Type: Cumulative Subtype: Rheostatic
Rheostatic switches gradually alter the affinity of a motif for a single binding partner by addition of multiple PTMs that additively contribute to this modulation. Additional modifications can either strengthen or weaken an interaction.
Two Bifunctional polynucleotide phosphatase/kinase (PNKP) molecules interact with two FHA-binding motifs in DNA repair protein XRCC1 (XRCC1) upon phosphorylation of T519 and T523 in the motifs. Additional phosphorylation of S518 and S525 further increases the affinity of the interaction. S518 and T523 are consensus CK2 phosphorylation sites, T519 and S525 atypical.
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