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Physicochemical compatibility

Phosphorylation of S152 adjacent to the NLS of Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4) by the Pho80-Pho85 CDK-Cyclin complex inhibits nuclear import this protein by blocking its interaction with Importin subunit beta-3 (PSE1). Upon phosphate starvation, Pho81 inhibits the Pho80-Pho85 complex, leading to translocation of Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4) to the nucleus, where it regulates expression of phosphate-responsive genes.

(1) Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4)
(2) Importin subunit beta-3 (PSE1)

Interaction #1 PHO4 - PSE1

(1) TRG_NLS_MonoExtC_3 motif (156NKRRGK161) in Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4)
(2) Importin subunit beta-3 (PSE1)

Interaction Regulation
PTM-dependent Abrogation (Phosphorylation of S152 on Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4)) of the Phosphate system positive regulatory protein PHO4 (PHO4) TRG_NLS_MonoExtC_3 motif - Importin subunit beta-3 (PSE1) interaction

Regulatory Enzymes for switch
Modifying enzymes for residue: S152: Cyclin-dependent protein kinase PHO85 (PHO85)


(1) Phosphorylation regulates association of the transcription factor Pho4 with its import receptor Pse1/Kap121.
Kaffman et al. Genes Dev. (1998)

See also

Other switches involving interfaces
TRG_NLS_MonoExtC_3 - 1 more (view)

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