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The WW-binding motif for Dystrophin (DMD) and the SH3-binding motif for Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2) on Dystroglycan (DAG1) overlap, making their interactions mutually exclusive and competitive.

(1) Dystroglycan (DAG1)
(2) Dystrophin (DMD)
(3) Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2)

Interaction #1 DAG1 - DMD

Is mutually exclusive with Interaction #2 DAG1 - GRB2

(1) LIG_WW_1 motif (889PPPY892) in Dystroglycan (DAG1)
(2) WW domain (3057-3086) in Dystrophin (DMD)

Interaction Regulation
Effector binding Inhibition (Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2)) of the Dystroglycan (DAG1) LIG_WW_1 motif - Dystrophin (DMD) WW domain interaction

Additional Information
Structural information: 1EG4
Interaction #2 DAG1 - GRB2

Is mutually exclusive with Interaction #1 DAG1 - DMD

(3) LIG_SH3_3 motif (888SPPPYVP894) in Dystroglycan (DAG1)
(4) SH3 domain (4-50) in Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2)

Interaction Regulation
Effector binding Inhibition (Dystrophin (DMD)) of the Dystroglycan (DAG1) LIG_SH3_3 motif - Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2) SH3 domain interaction


(1) Characterization of the beta-dystroglycan-growth factor receptor 2 (Grb2) interaction.
Russo et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2000)

(2) Structure of a WW domain containing fragment of dystrophin in complex with beta-dystroglycan.
Huang et al. Nat. Struct. Biol. (2000)

(3) Dystroglycan versatility in cell adhesion: a tale of multiple motifs.
Moore et al. Cell Commun. Signal (2010)

See also

Other switches involving participants
Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2) - 12 more (view)
Dystroglycan (DAG1) - 3 more (view)
Dystrophin (DMD) - 2 more (view)

Other switches involving interfaces
WW domain - 105 more (view)
SH3 domain - 7 more (view)
LIG_SH3_3 - 5 more (view)
LIG_WW_1 - 17 more (view)

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