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Egl nine homolog 1Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha inhibitor

MotifProteinStartEndSwitch TypeSwitch SubtypeSwitch descriptionInformationEvidence

Egl nine homolog 1 - EGLN1 -  Homo sapiens
DEG_ODPH_VHL_1 HIF1A_HUMAN400413BinaryPhysicochemical compatibilityHydroxylation of P402 in the VHL-binding motif of Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1A) induces binding to the Von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor (VHL) protein.
DEG_ODPH_VHL_1 HIF1A_HUMAN562574BinaryPhysicochemical compatibilityHydroxylation of P564 in the VHL-binding motif of Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1A) induces binding to the Von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor (VHL) protein.

Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha inhibitor - HIF1AN -  Homo sapiens
LIG_TAZ1 HIF1A_HUMAN792795BinaryPhysicochemical compatibilityUnder normoxic conditions interaction of Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1A) with transcriptional coactivators such as CREB-binding protein (Crebbp) is inhibited by hydroxylation of N803.
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